TriMotivate - Cairns Triathlon Coaching

Leading the way in triathlon coaching

TriMotivate Performance Triathlon Coaching is a Cairns Triathlon coaching group for athletes training for triathlon and multi-sport events in swim, bike run and strength training.  We offer programs for individuals wanting to race their first enticer event through to seasoned athletes training for 70.3 Ironman and Ironman events.  TriMotivate caters for group coaching sessions and custom programming with incredible coaches with real experience in the sport (former NZ triathlon representative) and certified in multiple areas throughout triathlons disciplines.

The squad that delivers real results and simply the nicest squad and coaches in Cairns! No ego, just likeminded people that train hard, have fun and get the job done!

What we do best….

  1. Capped numbers for Cairns triathlon coaching - Allowing the attention you deserve and providing regular feedback to athletes

  2. We mix it up! Triathlon Training on weekends incorporate some the best countryside in the world such as rainforest, trail runs, beaches and volcanic lake brick sessions, coastal kayaking and island training days just as a small example.

  3. We cater for beginners triathletes through to advanced athletes, triathlon training is adapted to meet the fitness levels of each individual athlete

  4. Injury prevention focused, including strength training within triathlon squad sessions

  5. Customised programs for each individual based on commitments, goals and fitness levels

  6. TriMotivate is a fun, supportive triathlon group, the team and it’s coaches are motivating and encouraging. Plus there there is always the added benefit of the social aspect, being part of such and incredible team

The Best Triathlon Coaches in Cairns

Find out why TriMotivate is the best squad in Cairns! Meet the TriMotivate coaches

run coaching Northern Beaches Cairns

qualified coaching

Reach your goals faster with a real focus on injury prevention and strength training. Coach Renee Ker is level II Advanced run Coach and well as a TA Performance Triathlon Coach, Ironman Coach, Cycling Australia Coaching and Strength and Conditioning Coach.